Sunday, January 13, 2013


Having a hard time sleeping tonight, it likes 3:15am. I just can't sleep thanks to my sister-in law. Basically she kicking Sarah and I out into the street come Feb. 15th. Sometimes it just hard to understand, why so much rain has fallen into Sarah’s and my life this past 2 years. Not sure what we're going to do. But I have learned this, it just hard to forgive people.

I so can see why someone could walk into a building and start shoot up people; because if it wasn't for Sarah teaching me to forgive and being that center stone of faith in my life, I would be something so dark and evil that no would be safe from. Maybe the one thing we all should remember is this is to stop being so self-centered, maybe take some time and care about other people for once in life. Just maybe, with that little bit of charity, we can change the heart and soul of a person and maybe ready to step into the darkest parts of their soul.

After all the line between good and evil, isn't out in the world some place, that we can see to not step over that line. No, that line runs down middle of man's hearts. Can you live knowing your actions may be the one thing that push's a person over that line. I know God forgives, but he will pass judgment

It funny, I been exploring" The Soul of Man" idea for the next group of paintings. Like this issue I talked about here, how basically someone’s one little action can start a chain of events that can push another person over the line into doing an evil act. But today at Mass, I just focused in on asking the Divine to forgive those that have hurt me, to help heal my soul of it’s hate. I have come to understand this, what others have done to me may have been a nail or even a spear into Christ’s hand or side, but you must forgive that and give love, for if you don't, then you will start on a dark path.

But still this doesn’t change what was done. One should not for get those things. But learn from them, make sure to think things through before acting and what the reactions will be. That is part of what the Divine was talking about when we need to put away the ways of a child. A child only thinks of themselves and not of others. They need to learn how to give, how to love others outside of themselves.
This is the sin of pride. Those that cannot see it, for what it is, will be doomed to live that sin out over and over again.  They will see their life, fall apart over and over again.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Here one the first lines of  thoughts for my look into "The Soul of Man" series.


Greed is the first part of this visit into the human heart. A little greed is good, but too much of a good thing can be deadly for us.  Much like a silly black bird that has discovered a loose string in a tree. It tries to take all the string for it nest, but becomes wrapped up in the very item it desires and, then slowly hangs itself to death.   What good is it for a man to gain the world, but to lose his soul?

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Soul of Man

Just making a few notes to myself about these ideas, for a new collection of paintings. It still not fully flushed out, that always takes time.  To that, I look for the divine hand to make those changes.  This collection has a loose working title called “The Soul of Man”.

Now the, “The Soul of Man” is a deeper travel into the inner self for me.   Some the paintings, coming out of this may not be as light hearted as before and some may be dark.  That I don’t know as of yet, this collection is about the inner workings and talks between me and the Divine.
This collection is about the inner story from day to day.  Knowing how to build trust in the Divine, It’s about letting go of things. It going into your dark woods of your soul and facing the wolfs.  It so many things, but most of all it the real story of just being alive.
What seems to be the key touchstone for the idea behind “The Soul of Man”?  Is a line I hear the other day, “ The line between good and evil runs down the middle of a mans heart.”
So it to these ends, I must be true.  Follow down the rabbit hole into the self and discover, what hidden wisdom the Divine has there for me.  So as I learn more, I will build one this loose frame of idea for all to see.