Friday, January 4, 2013

The Soul of Man

Just making a few notes to myself about these ideas, for a new collection of paintings. It still not fully flushed out, that always takes time.  To that, I look for the divine hand to make those changes.  This collection has a loose working title called “The Soul of Man”.

Now the, “The Soul of Man” is a deeper travel into the inner self for me.   Some the paintings, coming out of this may not be as light hearted as before and some may be dark.  That I don’t know as of yet, this collection is about the inner workings and talks between me and the Divine.
This collection is about the inner story from day to day.  Knowing how to build trust in the Divine, It’s about letting go of things. It going into your dark woods of your soul and facing the wolfs.  It so many things, but most of all it the real story of just being alive.
What seems to be the key touchstone for the idea behind “The Soul of Man”?  Is a line I hear the other day, “ The line between good and evil runs down the middle of a mans heart.”
So it to these ends, I must be true.  Follow down the rabbit hole into the self and discover, what hidden wisdom the Divine has there for me.  So as I learn more, I will build one this loose frame of idea for all to see.

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