Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Joy's and Pain's of having a Creative Mind.

Greetings Comrades,

Well, I know been sometime since my last post.   Life has been crazy to say the least,  been trying find a job.   Just finished up with design school,   so out there trying find something bring in money.  It hard,  I  don't care what the  guy's in D.C. tell you.    I haven't seen  much change in the job market, but then again I also been having that feeling that God telling there a different path.   

Which I think is building my own business's,  so the goal is to build these business's  to be like a garden.  Each to be a supply of food,  i.e. money to build my life on.      Now  I have 2 things that  I working on,  one Serenity Design which is my Interior Design business,   Then there Leonardo's Workshop and that more my artwork and pet design projects.    Then there Bonnie Blue Inc.,  this more about living and thinking as a individual and living independent.  Then there the random bubbles that pop up in my head in a day.   Which is cool,  being that  I have a creative mind.  But here the down side,  sometimes my mind falls in love with a random bubble and then down the yellow brick road we go.

The next thing I know off track,  I become and then all I set out to do that day is lost.  So been trying to focus and  build on centering myself.   If anyone has ideas to help,  please feel free to share.  After all it would make me feel like,  I'm not just being Howard Hughes and running around the house with tissue boxes on my feet.   LOL, see photo to get my point.   So that where the magic bus is at today in the cross roads of life,  still  looking for the Divine in all things.

God Bless and  may you walk with joy in your heart.


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